What is a user interface UI?
In the world of information technology, the UI refers basically to advising where the information is stored and with which the users or any person interact to get the information from there. And it doesn’t only imply the software devices only, it can be anything from even a keyboard, mouse, display screens or the desktop appearance for that matter. It is a kind of a way through which a user can interact with websites or web applications. And as it is evident that the reaches and uses of the digital platforms are growing too fast and too ideally, the digital marketers are taking it in their stride to focus more on building the user interface in a better way.
Types of user interface
If we generally talk about the types then we can say that there are mainly 5 types of user interfaces present in the digital world, amongst which 2 count for the most significant ones which are CLI or command line interface and GUI or graphical user interface. The other 3 main types are the menu-driven interface, natural language-based interface and form-based user interface.
- Command line interface– this is amongst the oldest interfaces and involves the computers to respond to the commands that are typed by the operators. as it is amongst the oldest lots of user interfaces, the technology used is not so advanced and so a serious drawback of this kind of interface is that the operator needs to remember the commands in terms of operating it and hence it can create issues in the functioning.
- Graphical user interface– sometimes referred to as WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointers) this interface uses these things to operate with the users. The pointers such as mouse or touchpads are used by the operators to point to the graphics or visual indicator present on the screen and thereby the interaction is carried out through this medium.
- Menu-driven interface– as is evident by the name itself, users interact with the system through the menus present on the machines. This kind of interface is mainly seen in ATM machines information kiosks or ticket vending machines wherein the users follow the instruction given on the means and act accordingly. It is a simple and easy-to-use interface system that guides the users toward a simplified using process.
- Form-based user interface– again, we can understand by the name itself that this type of interface implements the application of forms using the drop-down menus, text areas, radio boxes, check boxes, etc. and therefore the user and the device interaction is carried out through this interface.
- Natural language interface– it is the latest in the block of interfaces as it uses the voice of the users to command the device and the results are given out according to the information provided. Example of such interface is the Google voice assistant, Siri of Apple iOS, Alexa, etc.
So, this was a brief of the types of user interfaces and their basic concept of it. The way the digital world is heading high toward development and growth, in the coming times it is going to be advanced in the user interface category. We hope to see more of it in the near future.